Lasea Swift comments on Young Entrepreneurs Workshop
Working with the youth in our Region are such an Exciting Journey, because in regions like Gauteng there are numerous events and workshops for youth to attend to educate and mentor them in their journey of success. It is awesome that Junxion & Realty 1 has identified that gab and during the cause of the workshop it was experienced that the youth were so Excited and Receiptful in receiving all these information. Their Energy was amazing and the type of Questions asked and their participation in all of the interaction events was inspiring.
More than ever I’ve realised that the Youth need us as much as we (the more matured &/ established generation) need them. Together we can adapt, change, initialise, stay developing and build relationships through sharing success stories and success models; whereby our community can only benefit from in the future. In short: “A Giver’s Gain Recipe” . I am looking forward to be part of the next workshop!!!
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this success story!!!
“God Bless”